Saturday, January 22, 2011

Restoring Windows XP on multi boot dell dimension 3000

With nothing better to do decided work to restore my old Dell desktop that has Windows XP and Fedora after XP got corrupted. I didnt have my OEM Windows re-install CD so the only way is to use the Dell <CTRL>-<F11> feature which puts back an old factory created vision.

  • Step 1 - Fix MBR to allow Dell restore to work. 

Great instructions and software here to create bootable ISO to fix it :

Now the PC looks like from the 2005 era when the restore image was created - with AOL and EarthLink etc. Now the painful step of going and reinstalling any drivers for hardware added later.
  • Step 2 - Reinstall drivers for custom components
First step is to get the Wifi running so to do the Windows update. The DWL-G510 PCI wireless card had problems with SP3. The new dlink driver seemed to resolve it.
  • Step 3 - Update MBR to allow boot to Fedora partition  
  • Step 4 - Update Fedora 9 to Fedora 14
Fedora 14 installer has done a great job with the installing and updating the MBR. Everything worked out of the box. Only manual change I needed to do was to change the  label in /boot/grub/grub.conf to be more to my liking.

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