With nothing better to do decided work to restore my old Dell desktop that has Windows XP and Fedora after XP got corrupted. I didnt have my OEM Windows re-install CD so the only way is to use the Dell <CTRL>-<F11> feature which puts back an old factory created vision.
- Step 1 - Fix MBR to allow Dell restore to work.
Great instructions and software here to create bootable ISO to fix it :
Now the PC looks like from the 2005 era when the restore image was created - with AOL and EarthLink etc. Now the painful step of going and reinstalling any drivers for hardware added later.
- Step 2 - Reinstall drivers for custom components
First step is to get the Wifi running so to do the Windows update. The DWL-G510 PCI wireless card had problems with SP3. The new dlink
driver seemed to resolve it.
- Step 3 - Update MBR to allow boot to Fedora partition
- Step 4 - Update Fedora 9 to Fedora 14
Fedora 14 installer has done a great job with the installing and updating the MBR. Everything worked out of the box. Only manual change I needed to do was to change the label in /boot/grub/grub.conf to be more to my liking.